CAMPAIGN: Hellmann’s Real Food Movement

Agency: Dashboard Communications
Project Role:
Lead Art Director, Designer, & Managed Production

Applied Arts Interactive Award  – 2009
Cassies Grand Prix – 2007-2010 Hellmann’s Real Food Movement-Digital

A punch and then a hug. A phrase that coined this projects entire system. The Real Food Movement is a plea to support local foods in Canada for a better economy, neighbourhood, and future. To demonstrate this we use an intriguing intro video delving into the facts of Canada’s state of food (the punch) followed by the solution: 4 simple steps to help you eat local in an environment rich with positivity and education (taking action, finding local food, asking your grocer to shelf more local food, making recipes with local ingredients). These steps along with a wealth of ways to share the word of the movement help contribute to reaching a goal of 100,000 actions at which point Hellmann’s would donate $25,000 to Evergreen. All of this happens within an interactive map of Canada.

Over the course of three months Dashboard developed one of their largest and most complex sites to kick off the 2009 Hellmann’s Real Movement. After a very challenging project the entire dashboard team (dev, creative and account) pulled closer together through a whirlwind development cycle that resulted in one of my proudest moments as an art director to see launch so close to the original creative idea and a very happy client. The site demonstrates various new techniques for dashboard including being the first fully fledged flash 10 site using the 3D motion controls and facebook connect to allow users to post directly to their facebook profiles.