WEBSITE: Mommyville

Agency: Grey Canada
Project Role:
Lead Art Direction, Design, UX and wireframe development

Took a single page website, adapted a US product site and frame work for the Canadian market, added and designed dozens of new areas and community focused tools and united what was a disjointed user experience into a cohesive single site: Mommyville. Mommyville consists of both Playtex Infant category products with user reviews and ratings but additional mother specific tools. They include articles categorized by your child’s age from prenatal to a year old, the mommyboard – where users can ask targeted questions with each other, resources and tools to use or download, a reoccurring monthly sweepstakes for members and a user “dashboard” interface that shows ALL relevant content to the logged in user at a click of a button. This includes everything from the current contests, to questions they’ve asked, or that have been answered and articles they should read.

A newsletter was also developed to be emailed to each user highlighting articles and content they should read – again all based on the age of their child. Mommyville is the first step in a larger digital future for Playtex Infant. The site is still ongoing and evolving to become a trusted community to match the quality of Playtex products – which dominate most of the infant categories with the top spots.