PUB: Strategy Magazine Back Page AR Cloud

Agency: Grey Canada
Project Role: Lead Art Direction, Site Design, Print Ad Design.

Illustration by Rene Zamic,

In August 2010 Grey Canada was asked to do an editorial commentary in the industry respected Strategy Magazine’s Back Page.  Wanting to focus on digital we decided to do not only the printed page but connect it to a simple Augmented Reality website to extend the conversation.

The concept focused on Agency life and how we can operate on a global network where the CEO may be in Toronto but the Project manager may be in Shanghai. Visually we showed this in the print piece with an illustration of a floor plan inside a cloud floating above a city with the statement: “The traditional agency of brick and mortar is no more. Grey Canada has given us an interesting look on how technology has transformed the world we work in. The Ad agency 2010. Address: Anywhere”

Users were directed to the website experience were they could join in the conversation on the subject and “Check in” to their own agency cloud. They would be asked to discuss, enter their name, position, location and agency. Upon submitting they would see  themselves and their discussion thread in their agency cloud along with anyone else who visited from the same agency.

For users with a web camera the physical printed page was used to control the cloud position and angle using Augmented reality. Letting them turn the cloud from side to side and see into the cloud with more depth.